We are pleased that you have chosen us as the registered childcare provider.
Here at Love lane nursery we provide pre-school education and care for children to a high standard. We hope that you and your children will be happy at the nursery. At love Lane we pride ourselves on providing a warm caring environment. We believe that respecting a child’s individuality is important in a teaching environment.
The children are involved with every aspect of their own learning and we provide a solid foundation for children so that their entry to primary school is a smooth one
Legal Framework
The nursery is registered by OFSTED (The Office for Standards in Education) under the Children Act, as a day nursery for 50 children. Thirty-nine (39) children between the ages of 0-5 years and eleven children between the ages of 3 to 11 years old for after school care. The nursery is subject to regular inspections by OFSTED.
Starting at the Nursery
At the point of admission, parents are encouraged to attend for an initial settling-in period according to the needs of the child. Induction days usually consist of 1-hour sessions on 3 consecutive mornings. We will extend this time depending on how your child settles. On the first day of induction, the focus will be introducing your child to the key person and we would suggest you stay with your child to help this process.
Due to the covid 19 pandemic the settling period times will be limited to 30 minute sessions across a 3 consecutive mornings in a week, as parents are not being permitted access into the building to assist with settling in this period.
We will discuss any additional relevant information relating to daily routines and dietary needs as well as getting some background on your child’s earlier months/years at home. All of this information will help us care for your child’s individual needs and help us to make contact in the case of an emergency.
Nursery Holidays
The setting opens are year round except for Bank holidays, Christmas, New year and Easter
Come Visit Us
Staff to Child Ratio
Age 0-2 One member of staff to 3 children
Age 2-3 One member of staff to 4 children
Age 3-5 One member of staff to 8 children
The nursery uses a key person system. This means that each member of staff has responsibility for an identified group of children. This helps to provide continuity of care, and is especially important for very young children. Every effort is made for very young children, in particular to spend the majority of the day in care of the same adult.